Czech Republic: Football fans have brutally beaten up a computer programmer on public transport because he was black

9. 11. 2017

čas čtení 1 minuta

On Saturday, a group of football fans from the Moravian city of Olomouc attacked a West African man on a Prague tram because he was black. The police has arrested some of the attackers. 

The attack took place on a Line 6 tram near the I.P. Pavlova stop. A 36-year old man was forced to press an emergency button and to request the tram driver that she should call an ambulance and the police. The attacked man received a head injury. He was assaulted by a group of about 20 young man who yelled at him that he was a "dirty negro and should go back to Africa". They also yelled that "negroes and Jews must be gassed". 

No one on the tram stood up to defend the victim. The most agressive attackers started throwing lemons at the man. Then they  attacked him with  fists, pulled him down from his seat, dragged him onto the floor and kicked him.

The tram driver was surprised by his request for police help. 

Apart from Czech, the victim speaks seven other languages and holds  a PhD. He works as a computer programmer for a multinational company  in Prague. 

Source in Czech HERE



Obsah vydání | 10. 11. 2017